Async/await http client using new concurrency model in Swift
Network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc customizable with coders
- Multiplatform
- Stand alone package without any dependencies using just Apple’s facilities
- Customizable for different requests schemes from classic CRUD Rest to what suits to you
- Customizable in term of session
- Customizable in terms of URLSessionTaskDelegate, URLSessionDelegate
- Based on interfaces not implementations
- Customizable with coders You can easily change format from json to xml or text just changing the coder
1. Create
let url = URL(string: "http://localhost:3000")
let http = Http.Proxy(baseURL: url)
2. Use
try await http.get(path: "users")
try await
path: "users",
body: data,
query: [("name", "Igor"), ("page","1")],
headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"])
POST with Delegate collecting metrics
try await "users", taskDelegate: DelegatePickingUpMetrics())
try await http.put(path: "users", body: data)
try await http.delete(path: "users")
Custom request
public func send<T>(
with request : URLRequest,
_ taskDelegate: URLSessionTaskDelegate? = nil) async throws
-> Http.Response<T> where T : Decodable
Http requests
Try it in the real environment
Simple server installation (mocking with NodeJS Express)
To try it in the real environment. I suggest installing the basic NodeJS Express boilerplate. Take a look on the video snippet how easy it is to get it through Webstorm that is accessible for free for a trial period.
- Get WebStorm Early Access
- Get index.js file from here and replace it with the one in the boilerplate and launch the server.
- You need to have Xcode 13 installed in order to have access to Documentation Compiler (DocC)
- Go to Product > Build Documentation or ⌃⇧⌘ D