iOS Code Test

iOS Code test written in Swift using MVVM with RxSwift


Clone the project using

git clone <:url>

Install the needed dependencies to run the app (PLS you need to have install CocaPods on your local machine – you can use brew)

pod install


Select the simulator where you want to see the app and start running the application.


We have the app base on different MVVM Modules, each module has his own router-wireframe to handle his own navigation.

Each time the app needs to perform an API Request talks with ManagerConnection which handle all API Request and together with some Codable stuff we get the final response parsed from there.

Also there is a Constants file which has all the needed static properties used around the entire app.

The structure of the app has been decided by the recruiter.


Pull Request are not allow. This code has been made only with a technical test purpose. If you have any question regarding the policies and laws including here do not hesitate in contact me.




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