
Collection of Property Wrappers and other Types explicitly designed to provide quick, simple, and efficient Thread-Safety in your Swift projects.


Xcode Projects

Select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter

Swift Package Manager Projects

You can use ThreadSafeSwift as a Package Dependency in your own Packages’ Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
            url: "",
            .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")

From there, refer to ThreadSafeSwift as a “target dependency” in any of your package’s targets that need it.

targets: [
        name: "YourLibrary",
        dependencies: [

You can then do import ThreadSafeSwift in any code that requires it.


Here are some quick and easy usage examples for the features provided by ThreadSafeSwift:

ThreadSafeSemaphore – Property Wrapper

You can use the ThreadSafeSemaphore Property Wrapper to encapsulate any Value Type behind a Thread-Safe DispatchSemaphore. This is extremely easy for most types:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInt: Int

Further, you can access the underlying DispatchSemaphore directly, which is useful where you need to acquire the Lock for multiple operations that must performed Atomically:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInts: [Int]


func incrementEveryIntegerByOne() {
    for (index,val) in myInts.enumerated() {
        myInts[index] = val + 1

Of course, for Arrays, you really should try to minimize the number of get/set operations required, and the duration throughout which the DispatchSemaphore is locked:

@ThreadSafeSemaphore var myInts: [Int]


func incrementEveryIntegerByOne() {
    var values = myInts // This would marshal the `DispatchSemaphore` and return a copy of the Array, then release the `DispatchSemaphore`
    for (index,val) in values.enumerated() {
        myInts[index] = val + 1
    myInts = values // This would marshal the `DispatchSempahore` and replace the entire Array with our modified one, then release the `DispatchSemaphore`


ThreadSafeSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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