Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes repository based on Marvel API


  • iOS 13.0+
  • Xcode 12.x



  • Add SDWebImage pod to load images asynchronusly and save them on cache.
  • Add SwiftyJson to parse json response to swift models quickly.
pod install


  • Connect to Marvel API with properly authentication (see Config/MSConfig.swift and Service/MSUtils.swift)
  • Service folder manage two request to get the API info, with the first list call we already have all needed data but I prefer separate the second detail call. Also I decide parse only used data in MSCharacterLite to improve the perfonmance. In the big Entity (MSCharacter) there are the rest fields.
  • The project uses VIPER architecture to modularize the code by screens, CharacterList and CharacterDetails. The Entities are in Service folder but the rest inside of Modules.
  • The views are loaded by Storyboards with Autolayout.
  • When the app finish to start, the CharacterList module is loaded. In this screen, we can see a collection view with Marvel’s Heroes list, showing image and name. This images has not the same aspect ratio between them, so I decide to use AspectFill on the image to give them more uniformity.
  • When any cell is selected, the character detail is loaded in a new pop up, when we can see the detailed information about his Comics, Series, Stories, Events and Links.
  • Also, I write some quick unit MSService class test (using real service).


Next steps

  • Add pagination to CharacterListView would be necessary to access to entire information. Now the service return only the twenty first results.
  • Add unit test to rest of the code (Modules folder).
  • Add more SOLID architecture to isolate parts of code, like the Entities of the Service, which are used even by the views now.
  • Improve UI to add loading indicators and many more.


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