The successor to F3BarGauge
This control is intended to replicate/simulate the level indicator on an audio mixing board. These indicators are usually segmented/stacked LEDs, with several colors to indicate thresholds. This control replicates that look, using Quartz drawing primitives, and auto-adjusts to horizontal or vertical orientation. Additionally, the colors, number of bars, peak hold, and other items are easily customized. Intended uses include:
- Realtime data visualization
- Level bars
- Single-value charting
- A VERY simple bar chart (if you use several of these)
Adding this control to your XCode project is straightforward:
Add FDBarGauge to your project (File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...)
Add a new blank subview to your nib/storyboard, sized and positioned to match what the bar gauge should look like.
In the properties inspector for this subview, change the class to "FDBarGauge"
Below class, change the module to "FDBarGauge"
Add an IBOutlet to your view controller
Update your code to set the value property as appropriate.
For more information have a look at the demo code, which has multiple examples including a version that customizes the with an LCD-style appearance.
Following are all of the customizable properties:
Use Swift Package Manager. In Xcode use: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency…