PushDispatcher – Vapor

The purpose of this application is to facilitate the testing of push notifications in your application, in the absence of functional options using the .p8 file and without the need to have access to the console of some triggering service. In this project you use Postman to send the payload. I’m developing an application for macOS too but I haven’t finished it yet.



With Xcode

  • Open Package.swift
  • Wait for Xcode Fetching SPM dependencies
  • Run App
  • In your console on Xcode you recieve this info:
    [ NOTICE ] Server starting on

With Terminal (macOS or Linux)

Run command vapor run serve in root project folder

  • In your Terminal you recieve this info:
    [ NOTICE ] Server starting on

Common errors

if you recieve this error in console:

[ NOTICE ] Server starting on
[ WARNING ] bind(descriptor:ptr:bytes:): Address already in use (errno: 48)
Swift/ErrorType.swift:200: Fatal error: Error raised at top level: bind(descriptor:ptr:bytes:): Address already in use (errno: 48)
2022-01-25 15:45:20.004457-0300 Run[57078:478764] Swift/ErrorType.swift:200: Fatal error: Error raised at top level: bind(descriptor:ptr:bytes:): Address already in use (errno: 48)

Run in terminal lsof -i :8080 this command shows the processes running on port 8080 see the ones with the name Run and kill the processes

  • sudo kill 4944 for example

Testing with Postman

Example payload:

    "config": {
        "key": "/Users/myuser/AuthKey_XPTO.p8",
        "keyIdentifier": "XPTO",
        "teamIdentifier": "YXPTWREW99",
        "topic": "br.com.myapp"
    "title": "Push Test Dispatcher",
    "subTitle": "Push body description",
    "deviceToken": "64ff01ef9af8a40c8bf4499d10489ef9a93a1ccd987933c767d52073df015e31"


I hope it helps


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