CoreSwift Locks
CoreSwift Locks


Simple service locator infrastructure. Pass around protocols backed by these locators to your view
controllers and coordinators to simplify dependency injection.

Basic Example

/// Services available in the app scope.
protocol AppServices {
  var myAppScopedService: MyAppScopedServiceProtocol { get }
  var otherAppScopedService: OtherAppScopedServiceProtocol { get }

/// Production implementation of `AppServices`.
class ProdAppServices: ServiceLocator, AppServices {
  var myAppScopedService: MyAppScopedServiceProtocol {
    singleton { MyAppScopedServiceImpl(other: otherAppScopedService) }
  var otherAppScopedService: OtherAppScopedServiceProtocol {
    singleton { OtherAppScopedServiceImpl() }


Compose service locators to provide isolation amongst domains.


Broad Rules

  • Parent scopes must not access services from child scopes
  • Child scopes can access services from parent scopes
  • Child scopes must not access services/data from sibling scopes


/// Services available in the user scope.
protocol UserServices {
  var myUserScopedService: MyUserScopedServiceProtocol { get }

/// Production implementation of `UserServices`.
class ProdUserServices: ChildServiceLocator<ProdAppServices>, UserServices {
  var myUserScopedService: MyUserScopedServiceProtocol {
    singleton {
      UserScopedServiceImplementation(parentService: parent.myAppScopedService)


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