
A super simple Redux implementation in Swift.


  1. Define a struct which defines the shape of your state.
  2. Define an enum which defines the actions available to your reducers and middleware.
    • These cases should let the arguments they take.
  3. Define your app’s initial state that conforms to your struct above.
  4. Define a reducer
    • if you want to spread your logic into categories use Store.composeReducers.
  5. Optional, define middlewares and register with `store.registerMiddlewares([])
  6. Profit.

## Full example

struct TestStateShape {
	var name: String
	var version: String

enum TestStateActions {
	case SetName(String)
	case SetVersion(String)

func rootReducer(action: TestStateActions, state: TestStateShape) -> TestStateShape {
	switch (action) {
	case .SetName(let name):
		return TestStateShape(name: name, version: state.version)
	case .SetVersion(let version):
		return TestStateShape(name:, version: version)

let initialState = TestStateShape(name: "", version: "")
let store = Melodux.Store<TestStateActions, TestStateShape>(initialState: initialState, rootReducer: rootReducer)

store.dispatch(action: .SetName("Melodux"), background: false)

I use this as an @EnvironmentObject in my Swift app “Melodist”, a cross platform musical tablature editor.


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