Speech Custom iOS keyboard using OpenAI Whisperer API for speech-to-text conversion Custom iOS keyboard using OpenAI Whisperer API for speech-to-text conversion 08 October 2023
Speech Unofficial Speech To Text module for Expo Unofficial Speech To Text module for Expo 10 May 2023
Speech Integrate Speech framework and WaveformView Integrate Speech framework and WaveformView 24 February 2023
Speech LipLearner: Customizable Silent Speech Interactions on Mobile Devices LipLearner: Customizable Silent Speech Interactions on Mobile Devices 18 February 2023
SwiftUI My SwiftUI app that is using Google's text to speech API My SwiftUI app that is using Google's text to speech API 14 February 2022
Speech Perform speech recognition on audio coming from the microphone of an iOS device Perform speech recognition on audio coming from the microphone of an iOS device 02 October 2021
Command-line CLI tool for macOS that transcribes speech from the microphone using Apple’s speech recognition API CLI tool for macOS that transcribes speech from the microphone using Apple’s speech recognition API 30 September 2021
Command-line CLI tool for macOS that uses SFSpeechRecognizer to transcribe speech from the microphone CLI tool for macOS that uses SFSpeechRecognizer to transcribe speech from the microphone. 28 September 2021