Icon representing the OpenBytes ios-base project.


The OpenBytes template for iOS projects using SwiftUI

MIT License Community Chat iOS Version



  • OpenWeather
    • App: SwiftUI App and Views
    • Data
      • Mock: Static mock data and json reading functionality.
      • Network: Network data models used in Services and Adapters.
      • Adapters: Objects that can convert from Network to Device or Device to Network models.
      • JSON: Network data model JSON files.
      • Device: Device data models used in SwiftUI Views and ViewModels. Device models should be created from Network models by using Adapters.
    • FileStorage: Local storage functionality.
    • Navigation: SwiftUI NavigationPath using an object called CartographyPath and CartographyView. There is also the ability to present toasts, alerts, modals, and action sheets using the CartographyPath.
    • Networking: Networking functionality.
    • Notifications: Local Notification functionality.
    • Persistence
      • Caching
        • Image: Memory storage for Images, used in ImageView.
        • Data: Memory storage for anything conforming to DataCaching.
    • Preview Content
    • Settings: Shared app data and state.
    • Utilities: Miscellaneous app utilities.
  • OpenWeatherTests
    • Adapters: Test Network to Device and Device to Network transformations.
    • Persistence: Tests for Persistence and Caching.
    • UserRegistration: Tests for register using ViewModels and DI.
    • Validation: Tests for different types of data validation.

Dependency List

  • OpenBytes o
    • Allows us to get the input and set the output of file, url, the console, and UserNotifications.
  • OpenBytes c
    • Allows us to transform types from one to another while also providing us the various caching options.
  • Fork
    • Fork allows us to run multiple asynchronous tasks at the same time.

Getting Started

Installing development dependencies

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Run brew bundle

Learn more about Swish and Xcodegen


There are some scripts to help rename OpenWeather to whatever project name you want.

  • Clone the templated repository
  • run ./rename.sh
  • Enter a project name

Continuing onward

Regenerate the project

swish xcodeproj

Pushing to the App Store

This script expects APPLE_TEAM_ID, APPLOADER_USERNAME and APPLOADER_PASSWORD to be present in the environment.

It doesn’t have to stay that way. Modify Swish/Sources/appstore/Secrets.swift to use an API key, or perhaps fetch credentials from a password manager like 1Password using Sh1Password.

When that’s settled, you can run

swish appstore


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