UICollectionViews UICollectionView and UIStackView Homework Nov 12, 2021 1 min read UICollectionView and UIStackView Homework Use one outer StackView containing one CollectionView on top and a horizontal StackView at the bottom with two CollectionViews of equal sizes. Use UICollectionViewCell to have two different color balls filled on the top collection view. When user tap the top collection, move the balls to its appropriate containers bellow. Please check the bellow mockup image for the layout and for better understanding. Please submit your work before 5:00 pm, 10-Nov-2021, Wednesday GitHub View Github UICollectionViewsUIStackView
Calendars Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UIStackView and UICollectionView Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UIStackView and UICollectionView 30 January 2022
UICollectionViews Customizable Interface with UICollectionView in Swift Customizable Interface with UICollectionView in Swift 26 October 2023