Vapor package to consume the tokens created by an FQAuth server instance.
In the dependencies
section of your Package.swift
, add
.package(url: "https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/FQAuth", from: "0.1.1"),
And in your server’s target’s dependencies
section, add
.product(name: "FQAuthMiddleware", package: "FQAuthMiddleware")
Environment setup
Provide your auth private key as a Base64-encoded string in the environment variable AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY
. This needs to be the same key used by your main instance of FQAuth.
In your routes declaration, import FQAuthMiddleware
.group(FQAuthMiddleware()) { protected in
protected.get("protected") { req in
return "Logged in"
To require a certain role for a route, add it to the initializer of the middleware:
.group(FQAuthMiddleware(requiredRole: "admin")) { admin in
admin.get("admin") { req in
return "Logged in as an admin"
For an example, see https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/FQAuth-Sample-Microservice
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