Xcode iOS app: word guessing game
We are developing this app to complete a school assignment. It is not a project and it is not unique among our peers. It is just a plain assignment which has been assigned to groups of 2.
Our team consists of 3 members. It is one of, if not the only team in our class with 3 members:
- Ethien Duckett/EthienDuckett:
- Bio: (relatively) experienced git user.
- Contributions: He setup GitHub-Xcode for Grayson, worked on the app UI, fixed game breaking bugs, and resolved merge conflicts.
- Grayson Minton/breigns2:
- Bio: Unexperienced programmer and new to git/github.
- Contributions: He did most of the work on the game logic and word guessing.
- Cian Mchugh:
- Bio: [let cian insert text here]
- Contributions: He set up the keyboard buttons for the UI.
- Xcode 12 book (Chapter…)