
All in one extension file for textfield styling.

How to use ?

  1. Drag and drop the Extension folder or extension.swift file to your project.
  2. Use the following functions as per your need.
The Extension.swift files contains various styling extensions for UITextField like the following :
  1. SetIcon : To put an icon on the left side of the textfield using UIImage.

    Email Unit

  2. AddShadowToTextField : To add a shadow to any textfield.

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  3. setBottomBorder : To make flat textfields that have a small border at the bottom.

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  4. addRoundedCorner : To make a border around the textfield.

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  5. setTextAlignment : To set a textfield with a different alignment, font size and font weight.

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A comprehensive extension file for most common types of textfields styling written in Swift for Xcode.Read More

Latest commit to the master branch on 5-24-2021
Download as zip