This is a cool custom transition between two or more UICollectionViewControllers with wave like cell animation. Could be used in e.g. galleries.
Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView.
Animation idea was taken from Łukasz Frankiewicz Dribble project
There are two options:
- Via CocoaPods.
- Manually add the files into your Xcode project. Slightly simpler, but updates are also manual.
- In storyboard add object in your NavigationController.
- Set it's class to NavigationControllerDelegate
- Set NavigationController delegate to this object.
Implement UINavigationControllerDelegate in your ViewController:
- The last thing you have to set is self.selectedIndexPath property in your didSelectItemAtIndexPath method implementation.
Total animation duration
Small delay between cell animations
Big delay between cell animations
- iOS 7.0+