Doggie - A Cross-platform Library for Swift

Doggie is a foundational library for Apple's swift. It includes mathematics, accelerate, signal processing and graphic functions.


  • atomic operation, async task and actor
  • accelerate, signal processing, fourier and convolution
  • complex number, point, vector and 2D/3D transformation
  • bezier curve
  • polynomial
  • color and color space
  • shape and boolean operation
let shape = try Shape(code: "M100 0c0-100-236.60 36.60-150 86.60S36.60-136.60-50-86.60 100 100 100 0z")

let region = ShapeRegion(shape, winding: .nonZero)
let ellipse = ShapeRegion(ellipseIn: shape.boundary)
operation preview
region.union(ellipse) union
region.intersection(ellipse) intersection
ellipse.subtracting(region) subtracting
region.subtracting(ellipse) subtracting2
region.symmetricDifference(ellipse) symmetricDifference
  • font
let collection = try FontCollection(data: fontFileData)

if let font = collection.first?.with(size: 64) {

    let string = "Doggie\u{0301}".precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping

    let glyphs = font.glyphs(with: string.unicodeScalars)
    let advances = { font.advanceWidth(forGlyph: $0) }.scan(0, +)

    var shape = Shape()

    for (advance, glyph) in zip(advances, glyphs) {
        var outline = font.shape(forGlyph: glyph) += advance
        shape.append(contentsOf: outline.identity)

  • image and graphics with 2D/3D drawing

let context = ImageContext<ARGB32ColorPixel>(width: 100, height: 100, colorSpace: ColorSpace.sRGB)

let ellipse1 = Shape(ellipseIn: Rect(x: 10, y: 35, width: 55, height: 55))
let ellipse2 = Shape(ellipseIn: Rect(x: 35, y: 10, width: 55, height: 55))

context.draw(shape: ellipse1, winding: .nonZero, color: RGBColorModel(red: 247/255, green: 217/255, blue: 12/255))
context.stroke(shape: ellipse1, width: 1, cap: .round, join: .round, color: RGBColorModel())
context.draw(shape: ellipse2, winding: .nonZero, color: RGBColorModel(red: 234/255, green: 24/255, blue: 71/255))
context.stroke(shape: ellipse2, width: 1, cap: .round, join: .round, color: RGBColorModel())
let image: Image<ARGB32ColorPixel> = context.image


  • others
<svg width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 220 220"
  <filter id="displacementFilter">
     <feTurbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05"
        numOctaves="2" result="turbulence"/>
     <feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence" in="SourceGraphic"
        scale="50" xChannelSelector="R" yChannelSelector="G"/>

  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100"
     style="filter: url(#displacementFilter)"/>
let context = ImageContext<Gray16ColorPixel>(width: 220, height: 220, colorSpace: .default)

context.draw(ellipseIn: Rect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200), color: .black)

var image = context.image

let turbulence: Image<RGBA32ColorPixel> = SVGTurbulence(220, 220, .turbulence, nil, .identity, 0, 0.05, 2)

image = DisplacementMap(image, turbulence, 0, 1, 50)



Check out the Doggie.xcworkspace and build the project. It's suggested building in Release mode for the performance.




  • [x] ICC
  • [x] CIEXYZ
  • [x] CIELab
  • [x] CIELuv
  • [x] Calibrated Gray
  • [x] Calibrated RGB

Rendering Intent

  • [x] perceptual
  • [ ] saturation
  • [x] absolute colorimetric
  • [x] relative colorimetric


  • [x] bmp
  • [ ] gif
  • [ ] jpeg
  • [ ] jpeg2000
  • [x] png
  • [x] tiff



  • [x] TrueType
  • [x] TrueType/TTC
  • [x] OpenType
  • [x] OpenType/CFF
  • [ ] OpenType/CFF2
  • [x] WOFF
  • [x] WOFF/CFF
  • [ ] WOFF/CFF2
  • [ ] WOFF2

SFNT Tables

  • [x] HEAD
  • [x] POST
  • [x] OS/2
  • [x] MAXP
  • [x] CMAP
  • [x] NAME
  • [x] HHEA
  • [x] HMTX
  • [x] VHEA
  • [x] VMTX
  • [x] LOCA
  • [x] GLYF
  • [x] SBIX
  • [x] FEAT
  • [ ] KERX
  • [ ] MORX
    • [x] Rearrangement
    • [x] Contextual
    • [x] Ligature
    • [x] Noncontextual
    • [ ] Insertion
  • [ ] GSUB
  • [ ] GPOS
  • [ ] GDEF
  • [x] CFF
  • [ ] CFF2



The table below lists the available platform/specific values in the order.

platform specific Description
0 max( <= 4 ) Unicode
3 10 Windows, Unicode UCS-4
3 1 Windows, Unicode BMP (UCS-2)
  • [x] Format 0
  • [x] Format 4
  • [x] Format 12
  • [x] Format 14 (Unicode Variation Selectors)
