RoundCode for iOS
RoundCode is a Facebook messenger like custom QR code with lots of customization.
In addition to encoder the RoundCode also includes convenient camera scanner and decoder.
Swift Package Manager:
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
Usage example
import framework
create coder and encode
You can also validate the messsage before encoding
Create instane of RCCameraViewController and handle the delegate
You can also decode a UIImage like this
You can change the appearance like this
⚠️ When choosing colors or transparent background you should keep in mind that decoder will detect the code on light background with dark colors ⚠️
You can provide custom coding configuration in order to encode long text by reducing number of characters
⚠️ If you are encoding with custom configuration, then you should change the RCCameraViewController configuration ⚠️
Written in Swift 5 and requires Xcode 11.0
RoundCode is compatible with iOS 13.0+.