NMessenger is a fast, lightweight messenger component built on AsyncDisplaykit and written in Swift. Developers can inherently achieve 60FPS scrolling and smooth transitions with rich content components.
Version Information
- 1.0.0
- iOS 8.2+
Installation for Cocoapods
For iOS 10 Support
Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
and NSCameraUsageDescription
to your App Info.plist to specify the reason for accessing photo library and camera. See Cocoa Keys for more details.
Landscape Mode
- Landscape mode is not currently supported. While it may be supported in a future release, we have disabled device rotation for
to prevent issues.
Getting Started
NMessenger comes with a prebuilt NMessengerViewController that has a few supported features.
- Posting messages
- Input bar with a custom placeholder
- Camera and photo library access
- Typing indicator support
Posting Messages
Send a text message.
Send a message with an image.
Send a message with a network image. (Uses AsyncDisplayKit with PINCache to lazyload and cache network images)
A message with a collection view can be created directly from an array of views or nodes. Note: Nodes take advantage of ASDK's async rendering capabilities and will make this component scroll more smoothly.
One line CollectionView
Multi line CollectionView
Send a message with a custom view or node. Note: Nodes take advantage of ASDK's async rendering capabilities and will make this component scroll more smoothly.
These functions are meant to be overridden for network calls and other controller logic.
Typing Indicators
Typing indicators signify that incoming messages are being typed. This will be the last message in the messenger by default.
Custom InputBar
To use a custom input bar, you must subclass InputBarView
. InputBarView
conforms to InputBarViewProtocol
Both textInputAreaView
and textInputView
must be created in order for NMessengerViewController
to have the correct behavior. controller
is set by the initializer in InputBarView
base class.
In order to use your custom InputBar, override func getInputBar()->InputBarView
in NMessengerViewController
NMessenger can be added to any view.
With NMessenger, there is no need to manage a data source. Simply add a message and forget about it.
Changing and updating a message relies on a reference. These references can be passed through a delegate method or stored locally in a class.
Message Bubbles
NMessenger comes with a few prebuilt bubble types. bubble
can also easily be subclassed to create a new bubble component.



- Can be used with any 9 Patch Image

By setting hasLayerMask = true
, bubbles will mask their content. This is relevant for images and other rich content components.
Bubble Configuration
In order to configure custom bubbles for the messenger, you must create a new class that implements BubbleConfigurationProtocol
This protocol is meant to provide a new instance of the bubble class for primary (messageNode) and secondary (messageGroup) bubble types. By changing var sharedBubbleConfiguration: BubbleConfigurationProtocol
in NMessengerViewController
, you can set the configuration for all newly added messages.
Content Nodes and Custom Components
Content Nodes
A Content Node holds message content in a MessageNode
(everything inside of the bubble).
Subclassing ContentNode
gives you the ability to define your own content. This is particularly useful for creating rich content components that are not in our stock message kit. Alternatively, you can initialize a 'CustomContentNode' with your own view or node.
Content Nodes can also be given a BubbleConfigurationProtocol
to customize their bubble.
can be subclassed to make any type of component. All messenger cells extend this object.
Timestamps can be easily added with the MessageSentIndicator
Custom avatars can be set with an AsyncDisplayKit ASImageNode
Head Prefetching
Many messengers prefetch at the head. This is not trivial with a UITableView or AysncDisplayKit features. NMessenger supports head prefetching out of the box.
To use the head prefetch feature, set var doesBatchFetch: Bool = true
on NMessenger. NMessengerDelegate will also need to be implemented and set by your controller.
All batch fetch network calls should be done in batchFetchContent
. Make sure to add your message cells with endBatchFetchWithMessages(messages: [GeneralMessengerCell])
to end the batch fetch. Calling this function will remove the loading indicator and batch fetch lock.
Message Groups
Message Groups can be used to stack messages and animate avatars. Like MessageNode
, MessageGroup
extends GeneralMessageCell
. The difference, however is that MessageGroup
holds a table of MessageNode
s rather than a ContentNode
| MessageGroup | -> =============== ===============
================ | MessageNode | -> | ContentNode | (Primary Bubble)
--------------- ===============
| MessageNode | -> | ContentNode | (Secondary Bubble)
--------------- ===============
| MessageNode | -> | ContentNode | (Secondary Bubble)
--------------- ===============
| MessageNode | -> | ContentNode | (Secondary Bubble)
=============== ===============
Additionally, MessageGroup
determines the bubble type of the MessageNode
's content based on the position in the table. The first message's content will have a primary bubble, the rest will have a secondary bubble. Typically, the avatar will be disabled on any MessagesNode
in the group, but kept for the MessageGroup
Adding, Removing, and Updating
Message Groups include a few slick animations for Adding, Removing, and Updating MessageNodes in the group. These can be called directly from MessageGroup
or Added and Removed from NMessenger
. Note: These are not surfaced in the NMessengerViewController
It is recommended that they are removed from NMessenger
because of the possibility that the MessageNode
removed was the last message in the group. If this happens, the MessageGroup
will remain after the MessageGroup
was removed. NMessenger
makes sure that in this case the MessageGroup
is removed from the messenger.
To add a MessageNode
To remove a MessageNode
To update an existing MessageNode
with a new MessageNode
- Aaron Tainter
- David Schechter