
A multi-platform SwiftUI component for displaying (and interacting with) tabular data.

Available as an open source library to be incorporated in SwiftUI apps.

SwiftTabular is part of the OpenAlloc family of open source Swift software tools.

macOS iOS


  • Convenient display of tabular data from a RandomAccessCollection or Core Data source
  • Presently targeting macOS v11+ and iOS v14+**
  • Supporting bound and unbound arrays, and Core Data too
  • With bound data, add inline controls to interactively change (and mutate) your data model
  • Optional sort-by-column support, with concise syntax
  • Optional support for colored rows, with selection overlay
  • No View type erasure (i.e., use of AnyView), which can impact scalability and performance
  • No external dependencies!

For List-based tables:

  • Optional moving of rows through drag and drop
  • Support for no-select, single-select, and multi-select

For ScrollView/LazyVStack-based tables:

  • Support for no-select and single-select (possibily multi-select in future)

For ScrollView/LazyVGrid-based tables:

  • Likely the most scalable and efficient, but least flexible

On macOS:

  • Hovering highlight, indicating which row the mouse is over

** Other platforms like macCatalyst, iPad on Mac, watchOS, tvOS, etc. are poorly supported, if at all. Please contribute to improve support!

Tabler Example

The basic example below shows the basic display of tabular data using TablerList, which is for the display of unbound data without any selection capability.

import SwiftUI
import Tabler

struct Fruit: Identifiable {
    var id: String
    var name: String
    var weight: Double
    var color: Color

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var fruits: [Fruit] = [
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Banana", weight: 118, color: .brown),
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Strawberry", weight: 12, color: .red),
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Orange", weight: 190, color: .orange),
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Kiwi", weight: 75, color: .green),
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Grape", weight: 7, color: .purple),
        Fruit(id: "?", name: "Blueberry", weight: 2, color: .blue),
    private var gridItems: [GridItem] = [
        GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 35, maximum: 40), alignment: .leading),
        GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 100), alignment: .leading),
        GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 40, maximum: 80), alignment: .trailing),
        GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 35, maximum: 50), alignment: .leading),

    private func header(_ ctx: TablerSortContext<Fruit>) -> some View {
    private func row(_ element: Fruit) -> some View {
        Text(String(format: "%.0f g", element.weight))
        Image(systemName: "rectangle.fill").foregroundColor(element.color)

    var body: some View {
                   headerContent: header,
                   rowContent: row,
                   results: fruits)
    private var config: TablerListConfig<Fruit> {
        TablerListConfig<Fruit>(gridItems: gridItems)


You can choose from any of ten (10) variants, which break down along the following lines:

  • List-based, ScrollView/LazyVStack-based, and ScrollView/LazyVGrid-based
  • Selection types offered: none, single-select, and multi-select, depending on base
  • Unbound elements in row view, where you’re presenting table rows read-only*
  • Bound elements in row view, where you’re presenting tables rows that can be updated directly (see Bound section below)
Base Selection of rows Element wrapping View name Notes
List No Select (none) TablerList
List No Select Binding<Element> TablerListB
List Single-select (none) TablerList1
List Single-select Binding<Element> TablerList1B
List Multi-select (none) TablerListM
List Multi-select Binding<Element> TablerListMB
Stack No Select (none) TablerStack
Stack No Select Binding<Element> TablerStackB
Stack Single-select (none) TablerStack1
Stack Single-select Binding<Element> TablerStack1B
Grid No Select (none) TablerGrid Experimental. Needs bound version, select, etc.

* ‘unbound’ variants can be used with Core Data (where values are bound by alternative means)

Column Sorting

Column sorting is available through tablerSort view function.

From the demo app, an example of using the sort capability:

private func header(_ ctx: TablerSortContext<Fruit>) -> some View {
    Text("ID \(Sort.indicator(ctx, \.id))")
        .onTapGesture { tablerSort(ctx, &fruits, \.id) { $0.id < $1.id } }
    Text("Name \(Sort.indicator(ctx, \.name))")
        .onTapGesture { tablerSort(ctx, &fruits, \.name) { $0.name < $1.name } }
    Text("Weight \(Sort.indicator(ctx, \.weight))")
        .onTapGesture { tablerSort(ctx, &fruits, \.weight) { $0.weight < $1.weight } }

When the user clicks on a header column for the first time, it is sorted in ascending order, with an up-arrow “▲” indicator. If clicked a successive time, a descending sort is executed, with a down-arrow “▼” indicator.

For sorting with Core Data, see the TablerCoreDemo app.

Bound data

macOS iOS

When used with ‘bound’ variants (e.g., TablerListB), the data can be modified directly, mutating your data source. From the demo:

private func brow(_ element: Binding<Fruit>) -> some View {
    TextField("Name", text: element.name)
    Text(String(format: "%.0f g", element.wrappedValue.weight))
    ColorPicker("Color", selection: element.color)

Colored Rows

macOS iOS

The demo app (link below) shows how colored rows are implemented.

Because the normal selection is obscured with colored rows, the ability to use a ‘selection overlay’ is provided. An example is available in the demo.

Disable Header

The demo app shows how to toggle the display of the header, where a header may not be desired.

Moving Rows

TODO add details here, with example of move action handler.

See Also

  • TablerDemo – the demonstration app for this library, for RandomAccessCollection data sources
  • TablerCoreDemo – the demonstration app for this library, for Core Data sources

Swift open-source libraries (by the same author):

  • SwiftDetailer – multi-platform SwiftUI component for editing fielded data
  • AllocData – standardized data formats for investing-focused apps and tools
  • FINporter – library and command-line tool to transform various specialized finance-related formats to the standardized schema of AllocData
  • SwiftCompactor – formatters for the concise display of Numbers, Currency, and Time Intervals
  • SwiftModifiedDietz – A tool for calculating portfolio performance using the Modified Dietz method
  • SwiftNiceScale – generate ‘nice’ numbers for label ticks over a range, such as for y-axis on a chart
  • SwiftRegressor – a linear regression tool that’s flexible and easy to use
  • SwiftSeriesResampler – transform a series of coordinate values into a new series with uniform intervals
  • SwiftSimpleTree – a nested data structure that’s flexible and easy to use

And commercial apps using this library (by the same author):

  • FlowAllocator – portfolio rebalancing tool for macOS
  • FlowWorth – a new portfolio performance and valuation tracking tool for macOS


Copyright 2022 FlowAllocator LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Contributions are welcome. You are encouraged to submit pull requests to fix bugs, improve documentation, or offer new features.

The pull request need not be a production-ready feature or fix. It can be a draft of proposed changes, or simply a test to show that expected behavior is buggy. Discussion on the pull request can proceed from there.


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