ASB Coding Exercise
A project that uses SwiftUI and swift 5.5, MVVM for software architecture.
New swift(swift 5.5) features used
- Async/await
- Actors(@MainActor)
- Xcode 13.2
- iOS 15 and later
- SwiftUI 3
- Swift 5.5
Project overview
- Create a simple application that will fetch a list of transactions from an api endpoint and display them in a list. When a user selects a transaction they will be shown a second screen that will display a more detailed view of the transaction data.
What you can find in this project
Home screen :
- Transactions sorted by date.
Second screen :
- Summary
- Debit
- Credit
- Transaction Date
Unit test : covered view-model
- functional testing covered
– Automation UI testing – Non
Project Folder structure
Copyright, Licensed under the MIT license.