
A (really) native and powerful macOS Telegram client, optimized
for moderating large communities and personal use.


Will be available later! ?


Work in progress…

Step 1 – Download right version of Xcode

The development is going with Xcode 13.2. You can download it from
Apple Developer.

Step 2 – Install dependencies

Dependencies are downloaded using Homebrew:

brew install swiftlint
brew install nshipster/formulae/gyb

This will download SwiftLint for code checking and linting,
and Swift GYB for code generation.

Step 3 – Obtain api_id and api_hash

They can be obtained at Log in, open
API devevelolment tools, and fill up needed info. Then click Save changes
at the bottom of the page. Leave the page open, this will be needed in the next step!

Step 4 – Paste these in Xcode

Open the project in Xcode. Wait until all dependencies are resolved(it will take a while,
at least because of a 300~ MB TDLib build)!

Then click on app target in the toolbar > Edit schemes > Arguments, and fill up needed environment variables.

Done! You have everything set up. You can now build Moc ?


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