
XYPieChart is an simple and easy-to-use pie chart for iOS app. It started from a Potion Project which needs an animated pie graph without interaction. All animation was implemented in the drawRect: method. After played with BTSPieChart, really like its code structure, it’s clean, has well named functions, structure like a UITableView.

XYPieChart rewrote the code, based on CALayers for the animation. Compared to BTSPieChart, XYPieChart is a prettier version, it has a simpler insert/delete slices algorithm, different design of slice selection, more flexible to customize.


Customized color for slices (default color supported)
animated insert/delete slice(s)
slice selection animation
text label option of showing percentage or actual value
text label auto-hide when slice is too small
customizable text label font and relative postion
pie opening/closing animation
pie starting angle support
ARC support
interface builder support


Drag the XYPieChart/XYPieChart folder into your project.
Add the QuartzCore framework to your project.


A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app.Read More

Latest commit to the master branch on 3-18-2016
Download as zip