
This was my first proper Swift app. Its a news app made for iOS and iPadOS. It useds NewsAPI as its source of news.
Its the best news app I have ever used (Although I am pretty biased ?)


  1. By default, App shows the news of the country you’re in.
  2. You can change the country and category in the News feed.
  3. You can search about any topic.
  4. You can bookmark news to read it later.
  5. EzNews opens app articles in reader mode which means NO ADS while reading the articles.
  6. It supports caching that means you’re not constantly hitting the newsAPI server again and again.
  7. Since it supports caching that means you can scroll through articles with no internet connection.
  8. EzNews is built to utilize the maximum space on your iDevice. That means its user interface changes from screen to screen.
  9. It suports all the amazing features of iPad like slideover and split screen.

The project is built using Swift and uses Apple’s latest swift APIs.

Consider leaving a ⭐ if you like the repository.

App’s UI/UX ?

Will be updated later

Who Can Contribute? ??‍?

  • Anyone of all skill levels can contribute to this repo
  • Please check all issues that are labelled as Changes
  • Some issues are labeled as good-first-issue these are great for beginners to get involved

Before working on an issue please leave a comment and you will be assigned

Getting Started ?

  • Fork the project

  • Open your forked project in GitHub and click on the green <>Code button.

  • Copy the HTTPS or SSH link and open your Terminal / Git Bash.

    git clone <the link>
  • Run project (to ensure everything works)

  • Checkout a new branch to work on an issue:

    git checkout -b name-of-issue-ticketNumber
  • Once you’ve finished coding / working on an Issue, you can open a new PR

    git add . 
    git commit -m “Description of what was sorted”
    git push origin name-of-issue-ticketNumber
  • Open the project on GitHub and raise to master branch on the repo


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