
A simple StackView to be used for Passcode or OTP fields. Completely customisable with separate classes and very easy to use. Just Drag and drop with 2 lines of code.

Separate files are there to fully customize the control

Demo Video

ezgif com-video-to-gif


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Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-07-02 at 15 18 33

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-07-02 at 15 22 03

Usage - It's simpler than anything:


1. Simply Drag and drop KPin folder in your project.

2. Drag horizontol UIStackView from UIElement Collection into the storyboard and Give it custom name as 'PinView'

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3. In you viewControoler write the following code to initialize the PinView

@IBOutlet weak var viewOTP: PinView!

For Simple one:


For More Content:

    var config:PinConfig! = PinConfig()
    config.numberOfFields     = 6
    config.dotColor           = .red
    config.lineColor          = .green
    config.spacing            = 30
    viewOTP.config = config

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