
To Display Time Slots In 24 Hour Format

Project Contains Idea To Develop A Calendar Type Layout Using Tableview In Which If Requirements Are To Show Time In Horizontal Layout And Events In Vertical Layout.

Project Example Showing List Of Resources Usage In 24 Hour Format.



func prepareStatusDic() 
    let arr = ["1:40", "2:40", "DJ-IL", "1"]
    let arr1 = ["4:00", "7:20", "PJ-IL", "2"]
    let arr2 = ["3:55", "12:30", "PR-IL", "3"]
    let arr3 = ["17:10", "23:00", "PU-IL", "4"]
    someDictionary = ["0": arr, "2": arr1, "3": arr2, "4": arr3]

Above method will add event with different color in cell

let arr = ["1:40", "2:40", "DJ-IL", "1"]
Array Element
  • 1 - start time
  • 2 - End time
  • 3 - Text to display on event
  • 4 - Color of event
Dictionary Element
someDictionary = ["0": arr, "2": arr1, "3": arr2, "4": arr3]
  • Key - index of row at which you want to add event
  • value - event data
This display event call this method in collection view cell for row at index path delegate method
if someDictionary[(String(format: "%ld", cv.tag))] != nil 
   hsc?.setUpCellWith(someDictionary[String(format: "%ld", cv.tag)]! as! [Any])
func collectionView(_ cv: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell
    if cv == collEventTimeHeader
         //This is for Header titles
        cv.register(UINib(nibName: "CellAllTimes", bundle: nil), forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "CellAllTimes")
        let cell = cv.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CellAllTimes", for: indexPath) as? CellAllTimes
        cell?.lblTimes.text = arrAllTime[indexPath.row]
        cv.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
        cell?.tag = indexPath.row
        return cell!
         //This is for events
        let hsc = cv.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CellHorizontalScroll", for: indexPath) as? CellHorizontalScroll
        hsc?.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
        if someDictionary[(String(format: "%ld", cv.tag))] != nil {
             hsc?.setUpCellWith(someDictionary[String(format: "%ld", cv.tag)]! as! [Any])
        hsc?.scroll.frame = CGRect(x: hsc?.scroll.frame.origin.x ?? 0.0, y: hsc?.scroll.frame.origin.y ?? 0.0, width: hsc?.frame.size.width ?? 0.0, height: 70)
        hsc?.scroll.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: collEventTimeHeader.contentOffset.x, y: 0.0)
        return hsc!

To manage event click event use below custom delegate method of calender cell
func cellSelected(_ sender: Any?) {
  //Handle click event

To customize UI for event use below method CellHorizontalScroll.m file
-(UIView *)createCustomView:(NSArray *)array
This project required bridging header file to use objc files in swift code


Payal Umraliya


A swift version of HorizontalTimesLayoutRead More

Latest commit to the master branch on 1-25-2021
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