A very bare-bones Swift Stripe Client/SDK, written with async/await.
This library was written to cover only and exactly a single use-case for one of my
vapor apps. It’s open source, and you’re welcome to use it, but it has some major
limitations currently — including that it only supports 3 api operations (creating a
payment intent, canceling a payment intent, and creating a refund), and only supports
currency. That said, if it looks promising, and you’d like to see it broadened, open
an issue, or open a PR, I’m open to making it more general-purpose.
Create a payment intent:
import XStripe
let amountInCents = 499;
let additionalMetadata = ["orderId": "internal-123-abc"]
let stripeSecretKey = "sk_sosecret-123"
let paymentIntent = try await Stripe.Client().createPaymentIntent(
Cancel a payment intent:
// [...]
let paymentIntent = try await Stripe.Client().cancelPaymentIntent("pi_123", secretKey)
Create a refund:
// [...]
let refund = try await Stripe.Client().createRefund("pi_123", secretKey)
This library was designed to be used with the dependency injection approach from pointfree.co:
import XStripe
struct Environment {
var stripeClient: Stripe.Client
// other dependencies...
extension Environment {
static let live = Environment(stripeClient: Stripe.Client.live)
static let mock = Environment(stripeClient: Stripe.Client.mock)
var Current = Environment.live
// ? you can swap out your own mock implementation:
Current.stripeClient.createRefund = { _, _ in fatalError("should not be called") }
Use SPM:
// swift-tools-version:5.5
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "RadProject",
products: [
.library(name: "RadProject", targets: ["RadProject"]),
dependencies: [
+ .package(url: "https://github.com/jaredh159/x-stripe.git", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "RadProject", dependencies: [
+ .product(name: "XStripe", package: "x-stripe"),