
NSViewProxy, its associated structs, and extensions on SwiftUI.View allow you to access the NSView and/or NSWindow/window members (e.g. NSToolbar, NSTabBar) in which a SwiftUI View will draw.

This is an improvement upon other accessor/proxy methods which rely on using DispatchQueue.main.async(execute:) to modify content after the first draw cycle.

NSViewProxyView executes any logic given in NSViewProxy callbacks prior to the first draw of modified SwiftUI Views — effectively eliminating any occurrences of FOUC (flash of unstyled content).

Example App

Check out the repo for NSViewProxyExample


Simply chain the modifier onto the view whose context you wish to acquire:

import SwiftUI;
import AppKit;
import NSViewProxy;

// ...

TextEditor(text: self.$output)
    .proxy(as: NSTextView.self, using: { nsTextView in
        /// # NSTextView
        /// Modify things like the insertion point color...
        nsTextView.insertionPointColor = .systemPink;
        /// ...or add a custom text highlight color.
        let attrString = NSMutableAttributedString(" ");
            range: NSMakeRange(0, 1));
            [NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.systemPurple],
            range: NSMakeRange(0, 1))
        nsTextView.selectedTextAttributes = attrString.attributes(
            at: 0, effectiveRange: nil);

// ...

NSViewProxy offers a range of different ways to access NSView instances:

Generic Access to Proxied SwiftUI View

Access the SwiftUI View itself without any typecasting.


.proxy(using: (NSView) -> Void)


TextEditor(text: $text)
  .proxy{ nsView in 

Typecast Access to Proxied SwiftUI View

Access the SwiftUI View itself — typecasting to the given type (e.g. NSButton.self).


.proxy<T: NSView>(as: T.Type, using: (T) -> Void)


TextEditor(text: $text)
  .proxy(as: NSTextView.self, using: { nsTextView in
    // Upcasting give us access to the `string` property. 

Related NSView of Proxied SwiftUI View

Access an ancestor or descendant of the SwiftUI View.


`.proxy<T: NSView>(to: ViewRelationship<T>, using: (T) -> Void)`

Example (Typecast Descendant)

TextEditor(text: $text)
    to: .closest(.descendant, representing: NSScrollView.self),
    using: { nsScrollView in 
      /// We can access the NSScrollView that's wrapped in
      /// `TextEditor`.

Example (Generic Ancestor by Regex)

TextEditor(text: $text)
    to: .ancestor(like: /NSTabBar/),
    using: { nsTabBar in 
      ///  We can access the undocumented `NSTabBar`,
      ///  but you'll need a header file to use it...
      /// ... or you can do something like this:  
      guard let buttons = (nsTextView as AnyObject)
        .value(forKey: "tabButtons") as? Array<NSButton> 
      else { return }

Example (Generic Ancestor by Conditional)

TextEditor(text: $text)
    to: .descendant(passing: { nsView in 
      guard let nsView as? NSClipView else {
        return false;
      return true;
    }), using: { nsClipView in
      /// I don't have anything interesting to
      /// say about `NSClipView`, please keep
      /// reading. 

Any Element in NSWindow

NSViewProxy pre-defined utilities to access common elements in your SwiftUI app including:

Utility Description
.window The NSWindow in which the proxied SwiftUI View will draw.
.titlebarContainer The titlebar container of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View.
.titlebar The titlebar of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View (yes, there’s a difference).
.toolbar The toolbar of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View.
.contentView The outermost view of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View before hitting NSThemeFrame.
.tab The current tab of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View.
.tabBar The tab bar of the NSWindow containing the proxied SwiftUI View (undocumented).


.proxy<T: NSObject>(to: GlobalElement<T>, using: (T) -> Void)


TextEditor(text: $text)
  .proxy(to: .toolbar, using: { nsToolbar in 
      /// We can customize the window's toolbar by
      /// adding or removing our own items.
      nsToolbar.removeItem(at: 0);      


If you experience an issue, please raise one or feel free to open a PR. I can usually be reached via DM on Twitter as @stephancasas, so please feel free to follow or get in touch if you’d like to see more of my work.




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