An easy-to-use video player based on swift language
- Plays local media or streams remote media over HTTP
- Custom UI control layer screen
- Support screen rotation
- Simple API
- Clear delegate method
- Audio Default is muted
- AutoPlay Default is False
iOS 11.0 or later xcode 11.0 or later
YHPlayer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
target 'YourProductName' do
pod 'YHPlayer'
Install pods
$ pod install
And then import import YHPlayer
where you use.
How to use
1.create YHPlayer
let playView = YHPlayer(frame: .zero)
playView.delegate = self
2.create YHPlayerItemConfig
let itemConfig = YHPlayerItemConfig(videoURL: videoURL1,
isMuted: false,
isAutoPlay: false,
thumbImg: .init(named: "thumbimg"))
3.set itemConfig to player
playView.config(with: itemConfig)
4.custome your controlPanel
public protocol YHPlayerDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
/// 更新播放进度
func yhPlayer(_ player: YHPlayer, notifyCurrentProgress progress: TimeInterval)
/// 更新缓冲进度
func yhPlayer(_ player: YHPlayer, notifyBufferProgress progress: TimeInterval)
/// 准备播放
func yhPlayerReadyToPlay(_ player: YHPlayer)
/// 失败播放
func yhPlayerFailedToPlay(_ player: YHPlayer, error: YHPlayer.Error)
/// 播放完毕
func yhPlayerDidEndPlaying(_ player: YHPlayer)
/// 播放中断(来电话等优先级高的)
func yhPlayerInterruptioned(_ player: YHPlayer, interruptionType type: YHPlayer.InterruptionType)
/// 状态发生改变
func yhPlayerStatusChanged(_ player: YHPlayer, status: YHPlayer.PlayStatus)
Run result
YEHAN, 2436567084@qq.com
YHPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.