FilmApp is an iOS app that allows users to search for movies and view detailed information about them. The project uses Ombdb API.(
- UIKit
- Swift
- Xcode
Third-party Libraries
- Alamofire
- Firebase
- Kingfisher
- Lottie
- Search movies: Users can search for movies by entering keywords in the search bar. The app retrieves movie data from an external API and displays the search results.
- Movie details: Users can tap on a movie from the search results to view detailed information about the selected movie’s, title, release year, genre, description, etc.
- Firebase Analytics: Firebase is used for event logging movie details.
- Firebase Remote Config: Used for getting “Lodoos” text.
- Firebase Notification: Used for the application to send notifications via the Firebase console. Codes have been added to the project. Notifications could not be sent because I do not have a developer account.
Unit Tests
The project includes unit tests to ensure the correctness of Util class functionalities.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.