
It is an ultimate tool for system permissions management. No longer you have to understand system API of each new permission type or search it on the Stack Overflow.


? Supports the newest features of iOS 14 and macOS 11 Big Sur

? Works great with Mac Catalyst

✋ Supports all existing permission types

? Provides crash free by validating your plist keys

? Use completion blocks even where it is not provided by default system API

? Forget about thread management by using any preferred dispatch queue only (optional)

? Completely written in Swift

? Unifies your code regardless of permission types you are working with

? Includes native icons and string constants for your UI (optional)

? Modular, add to your project what you need only

? Does not contain anything redundant

Supported Types



  • iOS 10 / macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Xcode 12.2
  • Swift 5



To integrate PermissionWizard into your Xcode project, add it to your Podfile:

pod 'PermissionWizard'

By default, the library will be installed fully.

Due to Apple’s policy regarding system permissions, your app may be rejected due to mention of API that is not actually used. It is recommended to install only components that you need. In this case you will not have any troubles. ⚠️

pod 'PermissionWizard/Icons' # Permission type icons
pod 'PermissionWizard/Bluetooth'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Calendars'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Camera'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Contacts'
pod 'PermissionWizard/FaceID'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Health'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Home'
pod 'PermissionWizard/LocalNetwork'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Location'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Microphone'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Motion'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Music'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Notifications'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Photos'
pod 'PermissionWizard/Reminders'
pod 'PermissionWizard/SpeechRecognition'

Do not specify pod 'PermissionWizard' if you install separate components.


To integrate PermissionWizard into your Xcode project, add it to your Cartfile:

github "debug45/PermissionWizard"

By default, the library is compiled fully when you build the project.

Due to Apple’s policy regarding system permissions, your app may be rejected due to mention of API that is not actually used. It is recommended to enable only components that you need. In this case you will not have any troubles. ⚠️

To enable only components that you need, create the PermissionWizard.xcconfig file in the root directory of your project. Put appropriate settings into the file according to the following template:


Customize the first line of the template removing unnecessary component names.

How to Use

Using of PermissionWizard is incredibly easy!

import PermissionWizard

Permission.contacts.checkStatus { status in
    status // .notDetermined

Permission.location.requestAccess(whenInUseOnly: true) { status in
    status.value // .whenInUseOnly
    status.isAccuracyReducing // false
} true) { status in // .granted
    status.microphone // .denied

Some permission types support additional features. For example, if an iOS 14 user allows access to his location with reduced accuracy only, you can request temporary access to full accuracy:

Permission.location.requestTemporaryPreciseAccess(purposePlistKey: "Default") { result in
    result // true

Unfortunately, the ability to work with certain permission types is limited by default system API. For example, you can check the current status of a local network permission by requesting it only.


For each permission type you are using, Apple requires to add the corresponding string to your Info.plist that describes a purpose of your access requests. PermissionWizard can help you to find the name of a necessary plist key:

Permission.faceID.usageDescriptionPlistKey // NSFaceIDUsageDescription // NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription // NSHealthShareUsageDescription

If you request access to some permission using default system API but forget to edit your Info.plist, the app will crash. However with PermissionWizard the crash will not occur — you will just see an informative warning in the debugger log.

Thread Management

In some cases default system API may return a result in a different dispatch queue. Instead of risking a crash and using DispatchQueue.main.async, you can ask PermissionWizard to always invoke completion blocks in a preferred queue:

Permission.preferredQueue = .main // Default setting

UI Assets

If your UI needs permission type icons or string names, you can easily get it using PermissionWizard:

let permission = Permission.speechRecognition.self
imageView.image = permission.icon

titleLabel.text = permission.titleName // Speech Recognition
descriptionLabel.text = "Please allow access to your \(permission.contextName)" // speech recognition

Keep in mind that icons are available only if the Icons component of PermissionWizard is installed (CocoaPods) or enabled (Carthage).

PermissionWizard provides icons without rounding and borders. If you want to get the design like in iOS system preferences, use the following code:

imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 7
imageView.clipToBounds = true

if #available(iOS 11, *), permission.shouldBorderIcon {
    imageView.layer.borderWidth = 1 / (window?.screen.scale ?? 1)
    imageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor(white: 0.898, alpha: 1).cgColor // #E5E5E5

Known Issues

  • Bluetooth permission always returns .granted on simulators
  • Local Network permission does not work on simulators
  • Microphone permission always returns .granted on simulators with iOS 10 or 11
  • Music permission does not work on simulators with iOS 12


  • NFC permission support
  • Swift Package Manager compatibility
