
Calculator is an iOS application that does the job of a normal calculator.

✨Application Features

  • It is a simple iOS app built by Swift, which can perform simple mathematical equations involving adding, subtracting multiplying and dividing.
  • The app takes in account operations priority when performing calculations.
  • More to be done.

Code Samples

@IBAction func divisionClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        if result.text != "" {
            rslt += "/"
    @IBAction func multplyClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        if result.text != "" {
            rslt += "*"
    @IBAction func subClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        if result.text == "0" {
        }else if !rslt.hasSuffix("+") || !rslt.hasSuffix("-") || !rslt.hasSuffix("*") || !rslt.hasSuffix("/"){
            let expression = NSExpression(format:rslt)
            if let total = expression.expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double {
                result.text = IntFormat(total: total)
                rslt += "-"
    @IBAction func addClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        if result.text == "0" {
        }else if rslt.hasSuffix("+"){
            let lastOperator = String(rslt.last!)
            rslt += lastOperator
        }else if !rslt.hasSuffix("+") || !rslt.hasSuffix("-") || !rslt.hasSuffix("*") || !rslt.hasSuffix("/"){
            let expression = NSExpression(format:rslt)
            if let total = expression.expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double {
                result.text = IntFormat(total: total)
                rslt += "+"
    @IBAction func equalClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        let expression = NSExpression(format: rslt)
        if let total = expression.expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double{
            result.text = IntFormat(total: total)
    @IBAction func acClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        result.text = "0"
        rslt = "1.0*"
    func IntFormat(total : Double) -> String {
        if total.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0{
            return String(format: "%.0f", total)
            return String(total)
    func numberClicked(_ numberPressed: String){
        if result.text?.count == 1 && result.text == "0" {
            result.text = numberPressed
            rslt += numberPressed
        }else if rslt.hasSuffix("+") || rslt.hasSuffix("-") || rslt.hasSuffix("*") || rslt.hasSuffix("/"){
            result.text = numberPressed
            rslt += numberPressed
            result.text! += numberPressed
            rslt += numberPressed




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