Free and Opensource Barcode scanner & Barcode generator for swiftUI

Why you must use CarBode
- CarBode have both Barcode Scanner and Barcode Generator
- CarBode is a lightweight components
- CarBode build on AVFoundation it will supported all of barcodes types that AVFoundation supported
- CarBode can turn on the torch light and it can toggle between front and back camera

The preferred way of installing SwiftUIX is via the Swift Package Manager.
Xcode 11 integrates with libSwiftPM to provide support for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.
- In Xcode, open your project and navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency…
- Paste the repository URL (
) and click Next.
- For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to
- Click Finish.
Example project

How to use Scanner View

Add camera usage description to your info.plist
<div class="highlight highlight-text-xml position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="NSCameraUsageDescription
This app needs access to the camera, to be able to read barcodes.
<string>This app needs access to the camera, to be able to read barcodes.</string>
Simple Scanner
import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
scanInterval: .constant(5.0) //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
//When the scanner found a barcode
print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
Draw box around the barcode
import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
scanInterval: .constant(5.0) //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
//When the scanner found a barcode
print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
onDraw: {
print("Preview View Size = \($0.cameraPreviewView.bounds)")
print("Barcode Corners = \($0.corners)")
//line width
let lineWidth = 2
//line color
let lineColor = UIColor.red
//Fill color with opacity
//You also can use UIColor.clear if you don't want to draw fill color
let fillColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0.2, alpha: 0.4)
//Draw box
$0.draw(lineWidth: lineWidth, lineColor: lineColor, fillColor: fillColor)
How to turn torch light on/off
import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan
@State var torchIsOn = false
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.torchIsOn.toggle() //Toggle On/Off
}) {
Text("Toggle Torch Light")
supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
torchLightIsOn: $torchIsOn // Bind a Bool to enable/disable torch light
//When the scanner found a barcode
print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
Switch to front camera
import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan
@State var torchIsOn = false
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
@State var cameraPosition = AVCaptureDevice.Position.back
// Click to Toggle camera
Button(action: {
if cameraPosition == .back {
cameraPosition = .front
cameraPosition = .back
}) {
if cameraPosition == .back{
Text("Swicth Camera to Front")
Text("Swicth Camera to Back")
supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
cameraPosition: $cameraPosition //Bind to switch front/back camera
//When the scanner found a barcode
print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
Test on iOS simulator
The iOS simulator doesn’t support the camera yet but you can set a mock barcode for iOS simulator.
No need to remove the mock barcode from the production app it will only use for iOS simulator.
supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
mockBarCode: .constant(BarcodeData(value:"Mocking data", type: .qr))
//When you click the button on screen mock data will appear here
print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
Barcode Types Support
Read here https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avmetadataobject/objecttype
How to use barcode generator view

Example code
import SwiftUI
struct ModalBarcodeGenerator: View {
@State var dataString = "Hello Carbode"
@State var barcodeType = CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
@State var rotate = CBBarcodeView.Orientation.up
var body: some View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
CBBarcodeView(data: $dataString,
barcodeType: $barcodeType,
orientation: $rotate)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 400, maxHeight: 400, alignment: .topLeading)
Barcode type you can generate
//QR Code
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
//Code 128
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.barcode128
//Aztec Code
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.aztecCode
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.PDF417
@State var barcodeType = CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
CBBarcodeView(data: ..... ,
barcodeType: $barcodeType ,
orientation: ... )
Rotate your barcode
/*Youcan rotate 4 directions
@State var rotate = CBBarcodeView.Orientation.left
CBBarcodeView(data: ..... ,
barcodeType: ..... ,
orientation: $rotate)
CarBode welcomes contributions in the form of GitHub issues and pull-requests.
- 2.1.2 When scan on difference barcode scanner will ignore the delay time
- 2.1.1 Fixed bugs
- 2.1.0 You can draw a box around the barcode
- 2.0.1 Fixed bugs
- 2.0.0 I learned many more things about SwiftUI then I decide to restructure the scanner I hope you will like it. And this version you can switch front and back camera.
- 1.5.0 Fixed bugs and you can read the barcode type when scanner found it
- 1.4.0 Rename component and add new barcode generator view component
- 1.3.0 You can set a mock barcode when running with an iOS simulator.
- 1.2.0 Add feature allows to turn torch light on or off.
- 1.0.1 Fixed bug camera delay 10 seconds when use on modal.