


Free and Opensource Barcode scanner & Barcode generator for swiftUI


Why you must use CarBode

  1. CarBode have both Barcode Scanner and Barcode Generator
  2. CarBode is a lightweight components
  3. CarBode build on AVFoundation it will supported all of barcodes types that AVFoundation supported
  4. CarBode can turn on the torch light and it can toggle between front and back camera

Supported Barcode



The preferred way of installing SwiftUIX is via the Swift Package Manager.

Xcode 11 integrates with libSwiftPM to provide support for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.

  1. In Xcode, open your project and navigate to FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency…
  2. Paste the repository URL ( and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to 2.1.2 ).
  4. Click Finish.

Example project


Carbode Example project

How to use Scanner View

SwiftUI QRCode Scanner

Add camera usage description to your info.plist

<div class="highlight highlight-text-xml position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="NSCameraUsageDescription
This app needs access to the camera, to be able to read barcodes.

<string>This app needs access to the camera, to be able to read barcodes.</string>