
Circle Progress Bar iOS Control written in swift.

Require iOS 7.0+ or tvOS 9.0+



You can install this control in two ways:

  1. Using CocoaPods:
pod 'CircleProgressBar', '~> 0.1’
  1. Manually:

Download source from this repository and copy SwiftCircleProgressBarDemo/CircleProgressBar folder to your project.

Don't forget to add UIKit and QuartzCore frameworks to your project.

How to use

NOTE: If you installed this control manually - please be sure that you've added UIKit and QuartzCore frameworks to your project.

NOTE: you'd better using square size view for CircleProgressBar instead of rectangular.


progressBar.progress = ... // value of 0~1
progressBar.forgroundColor = ...  // indicator bar's color
progressBar.backgroundColor = ...  // outline of control 's color
