In this SwiftUI project, I developed a multiplatform app using as many new features as possible in the latest OS versions. Especially the introduction of Swift Charts support for new OS versions encouraged me to develop a cryptocurrency application. Isn’t it a good reason? :p I will be sharing the link below the description for the introduction video of the project.
Crypto Track & Portfolio Multiplatform SwiftUI MVVM
Target Platforms macOS 13.0, OS 16.1, tvOS 16.1, watchOS 9.1
Swift Charts macOS 13.0+ Beta, iOS 16.0+, tvOS 16.0+
NavigationStack macOS 13.0+ Beta, iOS 16.0+, tvOS 16.0+
Activity Configuration & Dynamic Island for Widget Family iOS 16.1+ Beta
Lock Screen Widget iOS 16.0+
MenuBar App macOS 13.0
FileManager (for platform specific image caching) (macOS, iOS, tvOS) CoreData (for portfolio entities)
Partially shared system, Combine, Network Layer, Modifiers and more
YouTube App Video: