Declarative DSL to automate deployment of stuff in Swift.
import Cuisine
import CusineArgumentParser
let vscodeSettings: String = ...
let vscodeTasks: String = ...
let vscodeLaunch: String = ...
let gitignore: String = ...
let swiftformat: String = ...
enum PackageType {...}
struct SwiftBootstrap: CuisineParsableCommand {
@Argument var name: String
@Option var type: PackageType = .executable
@Option var swiftLocation: String = "/opt/swift"
@Option var addGitIgnore: Bool = true
@Option var addSwiftFormat: Bool = true
var body: some Recipe {
ChDir(name) {
ChDir(".vscode", blocking: false) {
Concurrent {
WriteFile("settings.json", format: vscodeSettings, swiftLocation)
WriteFile("tasks.json") { vscodeTasks }
WriteFile("launch.json", format: vscodeLaunch, name.repeat(3))
WriteFile("extensions.json") { extensions }
Concurrent {
if addGitIgnore {
WriteFile(".gitignore") { gitignore }
if addSwiftFormat {
WriteFile(".swiftformat") { swiftformat }
Run("swift package init") {
"--type \(type)"
"--name \(name)"