
Simulator Screen Shot - iPod touch (7th generation) - 2022-01-31 at 12 59 16
Simulator Screen Shot - iPod touch (7th generation) - 2022-01-31 at 12 59 53
Simulator Screen Shot - iPod touch (7th generation) - 2022-01-31 at 13 00 12
Simulator Screen Shot - iPod touch (7th generation) - 2022-01-31 at 13 00 02




  • EarthQuakeListings:

This view shows a list of earth quake listings fetching from a sample json.
The view model uses Combine publisher subscribe mechansim to let view know about the data fetch events and update view when data is downloaded

  • FilterView:

This view has two basic filter types
1- Filter by Magnitude
2- Filter by Depth

When one of type is selected, this view sends out a notification with the type selected, and the previous view model listens to the notification and updates the earth quake list based on the filter selected


  • EarthQuakeService

This is responsible for fetching earth quake data


This implements two protocols.
1- Environment

A single point of access for shared services like EarthQuakeService

2- AppFactory

This implements a factory pattern to build views for the app.


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