FlyoverKit enables you to present stunning 360° flyover views on an MKMapView with zero effort while maintaining full configuration possibilities. FlyoverKit builds the core of STLocationRequest which enables you a way to request the user location services via a 3D 360° flyover MapView.

The example Application is an excellent way to see FlyoverKit
in action. You get a brief look of the available configuration options and how they affect the flyover behaviour. Simply open the FlyoverKit.xcodeproj
and run the FlyoverKit-Example
scheme. Please keep in mind that the SatelliteFlyover
and HybridFlyover
will only work on a real iOS device.
FlyoverKit is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FlyoverKit', '~> 1.0.0'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
To integrate FlyoverKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "SvenTiigi/FlyoverKit" ~> 1.0.0
Run carthage update --platform iOS
to build the framework and drag the built FlyoverKit.framework
into your Xcode project.
On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase” and add the Framework path as mentioned in Carthage Getting started Step 4, 5 and 6
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate FlyoverKit into your project manually. Simply drag the Sources
Folder into your Xcode project.
can be implemented in three different ways. Simply choose the most suitable type for your implementation. Please see the Advanced section in order to configure the FlyoverKit
to your needs.
If you already have a MKMapView
in your Controller
and you want to add a flyover to this MapView, simply use the FlyoverCamera
import FlyoverKit
// Initialize the FlyoverCamera with an already existing MKMapView
let flyoverCamera = FlyoverCamera(mapView: self.mapView)
// Initialize a location via CLLocationCoordinate2D
let eiffelTower = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 48.858370, longitude: 2.294481)
// Start flyover
flyoverCamera.start(flyover: eiffelTower)
If you wish to show a MapView which is already preconfigured to perform a flyover on a given location, you should use the FlyoverMapView
import FlyoverKit
// Initialize the FlyoverMapView
let flyoverMapView = FlyoverMapView()
// Initialize a location via CLLocation
let eiffelTower = CLLocation(latitude: 48.858370, longitude: 2.294481)
// Start flyover
flyoverMapView.start(flyover: eiffelTower)
If you wish to present a UIViewController
with an embedded FlyoverMapView
to perform a flyover on a given location, FlyoverMapViewController
is at your service.
import FlyoverKit
// Initialize a location via FlyoverAwesomePlace
let eiffelTower = FlyoverAwesomePlace.parisEiffelTower
// Initialize the FlyoverMapViewController with a Flyover object
let controller = FlyoverMapViewController(flyover: eiffelTower)
// Present controller
self.present(controller, animated: true)
The FlyoverKit
consists of three main components. The Flyover
protocol, FlyoverCamera
and FlyoverMapView
Flyover Protocol
The flyover
protocol specifies a type with a CLLocationCoordinat2D
property. It is used to perform a flyover on the given coordinate.
public protocol Flyover {
var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { get }
The FlyoverKit
already implemented this protocol to various MapKit and CoreLocation types like CLLocationCoordinate2D
, CLLocation
, MKMapPoint
, MKMapItem
, MKCoordinateRegion
and many more.
You can apply the Flyover
protocol to your own models to use them for a flyover.
struct Address {
var name: String
var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
extension Address: Flyover {}
In order to compare two Flyover
types you can use the following two operators.
Equatable operator (==)
self.flyover1 == self.flyover2
Checks if the two given Flyover types are exactly the same via comparison of latitude and longitude.
Rounded Equatable operator (~~)
self.flyover1 ~~ self.flyover2
Checks if the two given Flyover types are nearly the same via comparison of rounded latitude and longitude.
The FlyoverAwesomePlace
is a Flyover
protocol compliant Enumeration with awesome locations and landmarks like NewYorkStatueOfLiberty
, GooglePlex
, SydneyOperaHouse
and many more. You can use them in your own implementation or to explore different locations in the FlyoverKitExample
The FlyoverCamera
is responsible for manipulating the MKMapView
camera and performs a 360° flyover animation via UIViewPropertyAnimator.
In order to initialize a FlyoverCamera
object you need to pass a MKMapView
(which reference will be weakly stored) and a FlyoverCamera.Configuration
// Initialize FlyoverCamera configuration
let configuration = FlyoverCamera.Configuration(
duration: 4.0,
altitude: 600.0,
pitch: 45.0,
headingStep: 20.0
// Initialize FlyoverCamera
let camera = FlyoverCamera(
mapView: mapView,
configuration: configuration
// Start Flyover
camera.start(flyover: location)
The FlyoverCamera.Configuration
struct holds all specific flyover configuration values. Set the properties to get the right look and feel of the flyover as you need it to be.
Configuration | Description |
duration | The flyover animation duration |
altitude | The altitude above the ground, measured in meters |
pitch | The viewing angle of the camera, measured in degrees |
headingStep | The direction step in degrees that is added to the MapViewCamera heading in each flyover iteration |
regionChangeAnimation | The region change animation that should be applied if a flyover has been started and the MapCamera has to change the region. Default is always .none which immediately present the place. If you wish that the region change should be performed via an animation you can set .animated(duration: 1.5, curve: .easeIn) |
An excellent visualization of an MKMapCamera
from TechTopia
Configuration Theme
If you don't want to set the properties yourself you can use a preconfigured configuration theme. Currently there are four themes available
Theme | Description |
default | Default flyover configuration with configuration for a default flyover usage |
lowFlying | Flyover configuration with a low altitude and a high pitch. Simulates a low flying helicopter viewing angle |
farAway | Configuration with a high altitude and a normal pitch which results in a far away viewing angle |
giddy | A giddy configuration ? which you shouldn't use in production. But it's fun ?♂️ ? |
astronautView | The view of an astronaut ? |
Furthermore, you can initialize a FlyoverCamera
with a given Theme
// Initialize FlyoverCamera
let camera = FlyoverCamera(
mapView: mapView,
configuration: .default
More themes coming soon... ??
The FlyoverMapView
is a preconfigured MKMapView
with an embedded FlyoverCamera
. The FlyoverMapView
offers various convenience functions for example starting a flyover with a MKAnnotation
object or setting a supported flyover MapType
// Initialize with default configuration theme and standard MapType
let flyoverMapView = FlyoverMapView()
// Or initialize by setting a different theme and the satelliteFlyover MapType
let flyoverMapView = FlyoverMapView(configuration: .farAway, mapType: .satelliteFlyover)
The FlyoverMapView.MapType
specifies the three supported MKMapType
MapType | Description |
standard | A street map that shows the position of all roads and shows 3D buildings |
satelliteFlyover | A satellite image of the area with road and road name information layered on top |
hybridFlyover | A hybrid satellite image with flyover data where available |
The FlyoverMapViewController
is an easy and simple way to present a UIViewController
with an embedded FlyoverMapView
. You can use it if you just want to present a 360° flyover on a given Flyover
// Initialize a location
let eiffelTower = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(48.858370, 2.294481)
// Initialize the FlyoverMapViewController with a Flyover object
let controller = FlyoverMapViewController(flyover: eiffelTower)
// Present controller
self.present(controller, animated: true)
Additionally you can initialize the FlyoverMapViewController
with your own Configuration
or Configuration.Theme
and a MapType
// Initialize a location
let eiffelTower = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(48.858370, 2.294481)
// Initialize a Configuration
let configuration = FlyoverCamera.Configuration(
duration: 4.0,
altitude: 600.0,
pitch: 45.0,
headingStep: 20.0
// Initialize the FlyoverMapViewController
let controller = FlyoverMapViewController(
flyover: eiffelTower,
configuration: configuration,
mapType: .satelliteFlyover
// Present controller
self.present(controller, animated: true)