Gravie Software Engineer Challenge
After completing the challenge below, please send us an email with the location of your repository. If your repository is private, be sure to add us as collaborators so we can view your code.
Time Box
3-4 Hours
For this challenge you will consume the Giant Bomb API to create an application that will allow a
user to search games and “rent” them. The application should consist of at least two unique pages
and checkout
). Your view should display the game thumbnail and title, and the rest is up
to you. You can use any language and or framework you’d like.
You can get started by signing up for an API key here.
Note: You’ll most likely need to use the social media technique for logging in (2022-05-16: confirmed this works with google.) Once you’re logged in, go back to the API page to access your key.
You can find the quickstart guide here.
You can find a full list of API features here.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Remember we are more focused on seeing your development process than checking off a list of requirements, so be sure you are able to speak to your code and your thoughts behind it.