High performance cache framework for iOS.
(It's a component of YYKit)
You may download and compile the latest version of sqlite and ignore the libsqlite3.dylib in iOS system to get higher performance.
See Benchmark/CacheBenchmark.xcodeproj
for more benchmark case.
- LRU: Objects can be evicted with least-recently-used algorithm.
- Limitation: Cache limitation can be controlled with count, cost, age and free space.
- Compatibility: The API is similar to
, all methods are thread-safe. - Memory Cache
- Release Control: Objects can be released synchronously/asynchronously on main thread or background thread.
- Automatically Clear: It can be configured to automatically evict objects when receive memory warning or app enter background.
- Disk Cache
- Customization: It supports custom archive and unarchive method to store object which does not adopt NSCoding.
- Storage Type Control: It can automatically decide the storage type (sqlite / file) for each object to get
better performance.
- Add
pod 'YYCache'
to your Podfile. - Run
pod install
orpod update
. - Import <YYCache/YYCache.h>.
- Add
github "ibireme/YYCache"
to your Cartfile. - Run
carthage update --platform ios
and add the framework to your project. - Import <YYCache/YYCache.h>.
- Download all the files in the YYCache subdirectory.
- Add the source files to your Xcode project.
- Link with required frameworks:
- UIKit
- CoreFoundation
- QuartzCore
- sqlite3
- Import
Full API documentation is available on CocoaDocs.
You can also install documentation locally using appledoc.
This library requires iOS 6.0+
and Xcode 8.0+