
Version Platform Swift 5.3 MIT License Twitter: @danielsaidi

About SystemNotification

SystemNotification is lets you mimic the native iOS system notification (that is presented when e.g. toggling silent mode on and off) in your SwiftUI apps.

The result can look like this…or completely different:

These notifications have a default style, but can be customized to fit your specific app.


Swift Package Manager


pod SystemNotification

Getting started

SystemNotification contains a SystemNotification view, that can be created with an isActive binding, an optional configuration and a custom view.

For instance:

let notification = SystemNotification(
    isActive: $isNotificationActive,
    configuration: SystemNotification.Configuration(edge: .bottom)) { _ in
            icon: Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle"), 
            title: "Alert", 
            text: "Something happened!",
            configuration: SystemNotificationMessage.Configuration(
                iconColor: .red

You can use any view you like in the notification, but if you want to use the standard SystemNotificationMessage, you can just use this shorthand:

let notification = SystemNotification(
    icon: Image?,
    title: String,
    text: String,
    isActive: $isNotificationActive,
    configuration: SystemNotification.Configuration(edge: .bottom)) { isActive in
            icon: Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle"), 
            title: "Alert", 
            text: "Something happened!",
            configuration: SystemNotificationMessage.Configuration(
                iconColor: .red

Once you have a notification, you can add it to any view, using the systemNotification modifier:

List(items) { item
   HStack { }

The notification will be added above the view and docked outside of to the selected edge. When the isActive binding is set to true, it will slide in using the selected animation.

You can also use a SystemNotificationContext to easily present multiple notifications with a single systemNotification modifier:

let context = SystemNotificationContext()

// To use it, provide it instead of an `isActive` binding:
List(items) { item
   HStack { }
}.systemNotification(context: context)


A SystemNotification can be configured with a SystemNotification.Configuration that specifies:

  • animation
  • backgroundColor
  • cornerRadius
  • edge
  • minWidth
  • duration
  • shadowRadius

You can customize these properties to control how the notification looks and behaves.

The default configuration makes the notification look and behave like the native one.


A SystemNotificationMessage view can be configured with a SystemNotificationMessage.Configuration instance that specifies:

  • iconColor
  • iconFont
  • padding
  • textColor
  • textFont
  • titleColor
  • titleFont

You can customize these properties to control how the notification message looks.

The default configuration makes the message look like the native one.

Demo app

This repo contains a basic demo app that demonstrates how to use the bottom sheet.

Just open the Demo project and run the app.

Contact me

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


SystemNotification is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more info.
