
Portfolio application developed to present my skills.

CatsApp has the following functionality:

  • it takes information (URL of a picture) from
  • 1 screen: displays the random picture of a cat in a UIImageView after app is loaded or when “Next” button is pressed
  • 1 screen: “Like” button saves the URL of the picture using UserDefauls
  • 1 screen: “floppy disk” button opens the 2nd screen
  • 2 screen: displays the saved URL of liked pictures using UITableView
  • 2 screen: “See the cats” button opens 3rd screen
  • 3 screen: displays the images of the cats from the saved URLs displayed on the previous screen using UICollectionView

Hope that you like cats as much as I do ^_^

JSON / UIImageView / UITableView / UICollectionView / NavigationController / UserDefaults

Here is a small preview of the app:

ezgif com-gif-maker-3

Screen 1

Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 01 15 42

Screen 2

Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 01 13 09

Screen 3

Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 01 14 14
