Customizable assets picker controller that supports selecting multiple photos and videos, fully written in Swift.
AssetsPickerViewController acts like Photos App in iOS.
If you found any bugs - even in develop branch, do not hesitate raise an issue for it.
Any advice, suggestions, and pull requests for new feature will be greatly appreciated.
iOS friendly UI for Album & Asset
iPad Support
Keeps focusing indexes during orientation change.
Handles empty or no permisson cases.
Customizable Album & Asset Layout
3D Touch to Preview
Features Done
iOS friendly UI for album & photo controllers
select album
select multiple photos and videos
realtime synchronization for library change in albums & photos
option to show/hide empty albums
option to show/hide "Hidden" album
customizable album cell
customizable album sorting by PHFetchOptions or filter block
customizable album filtering by PHFetchOptions or filter block
customizable asset cell
customizable asset sorting by PHFetchOptions
customizable asset filtering by PHFetchOptions
iPad support
force(3D) touch to preview - (still, live photo, and video)
support many languages(German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Indonesian, Russian, Turkish, Italian, etc)
set selected assets before present picker controller
Features To-do
- single select mode with crop
Basic Usage
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
To hide empty albums,
To show "Hidden" albums,
To set pre-selected assets before present picker,
To limit selected assets count,
To enable single image select mode, deselect all items when the limit has reached,
To apply custom album cell,
To apply custom asset cell,
To sort albums by PHFetchOptions,
To sort by block for a certain reason,
To sort assets by PHFetchOptions,
To filter albums by PHFetchOptions,
To filter albums by block for a certain reason,
To filter assets by PHFetchOptions,
Requirements & Dependency
Xcode9, Swift 4, iOS 9.0
Uses PureLayout for creating UI inside library. Thanks to PureLayout development team for doing such a beautiful job.
AssetsPickerViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Swift 3 is not supported anymore.