
Customizable assets picker controller that supports selecting multiple photos and videos, fully written in Swift.


AssetsPickerViewController acts like Photos App in iOS.

If you found any bugs - even in develop branch, do not hesitate raise an issue for it.

Any advice, suggestions, and pull requests for new feature will be greatly appreciated.


iOS friendly UI for Album & Asset


iPad Support


Keeps focusing indexes during orientation change.


Handles empty or no permisson cases.


Customizable Album & Asset Layout


3D Touch to Preview


Features Done

  • iOS friendly UI for album & photo controllers

  • select album

  • select multiple photos and videos

  • realtime synchronization for library change in albums & photos

  • option to show/hide empty albums

  • option to show/hide "Hidden" album

  • customizable album cell

  • customizable album sorting by PHFetchOptions or filter block

  • customizable album filtering by PHFetchOptions or filter block

  • customizable asset cell

  • customizable asset sorting by PHFetchOptions

  • customizable asset filtering by PHFetchOptions

  • iPad support

  • force(3D) touch to preview - (still, live photo, and video)

  • support many languages(German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Indonesian, Russian, Turkish, Italian, etc)

  • set selected assets before present picker controller

Features To-do

  • single select mode with crop

Basic Usage

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

// to show
let picker = AssetsPickerViewController()
picker.pickerDelegate = self
present(picker, animated: true, completion: nil)

// to handle
extension SimpleExampleController: AssetsPickerViewControllerDelegate {
    func assetsPickerCannotAccessPhotoLibrary(controller: AssetsPickerViewController) {}
    func assetsPickerDidCancel(controller: AssetsPickerViewController) {}
    func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, selected assets: [PHAsset]) {
        // do your job with selected assets
    func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldSelect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
        return true
    func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, didSelect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) {}
    func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldDeselect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
        return true
    func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, didDeselect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) {}



To hide empty albums,

pickerConfig.albumIsShowEmptyAlbum = false

To show "Hidden" albums,

pickerConfig.albumIsShowHiddenAlbum = true

To set pre-selected assets before present picker,

pickerConfig.selectedAssets = self.assets

To limit selected assets count,

func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldSelect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {   
    if controller.selectedAssets.count > 3 {
        // do your job here
        return false
    return true

To enable single image select mode, deselect all items when the limit has reached,

func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldSelect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {   
    if controller.selectedAssets.count > 0 {
    return true


To apply custom album cell,

pickerConfig.albumCellType = CustomAlbumCell.classForCoder()
// and implement your own UICollectionViewCell which conforms to AssetsAlbumCellProtocol

To apply custom asset cell,

pickerConfig.assetCellType = CustomAssetCell.classForCoder()
// and implement your own UICollectionViewCell which conforms to AssetsPhotoCellProtocol


To sort albums by PHFetchOptions,

let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "estimatedAssetCount", ascending: true)]
pickerConfig.albumFetchOptions = [
    .smartAlbum: options

To sort by block for a certain reason,

pickerConfig.albumComparator = { (albumType, leftEntry, rightEntry) -> Bool in
    // return: Is leftEntry ordered before the rightEntry?
    switch albumType {
    case .smartAlbum:
        return leftEntry.album.assetCollectionSubtype.rawValue < rightEntry.album.assetCollectionSubtype.rawValue
    case .album:
        return leftEntry.result.count < rightEntry.result.count     // ascending order by asset count
    case .moment:
        return true

To sort assets by PHFetchOptions,

let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.sortDescriptors = [
    NSSortDescriptor(key: "pixelWidth", ascending: true),
    NSSortDescriptor(key: "pixelHeight", ascending: true)

pickerConfig.assetFetchOptions = [
    .smartAlbum: options


To filter albums by PHFetchOptions,

let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "estimatedAssetCount = 0")
pickerConfig.albumFetchOptions = [.smartAlbum: options]

To filter albums by block for a certain reason,

// return true to include, false to discard.
let smartAlbumFilter: ((PHAssetCollection, PHFetchResult<PHAsset>) -> Bool) = { (album, fetchResult) in
    // filter by album object
    if album.assetCollectionSubtype == .smartAlbumBursts { return false }
    if album.assetCollectionSubtype == .smartAlbumTimelapses { return false }
    if album.assetCollectionSubtype == .smartAlbumFavorites { return false }
    // filter by fetch result
    if fetchResult.count > 50 {
        return true     // only shows albums that contains more than 50 assets
    } else {
        return false    //
pickerConfig.albumFilter = [
    .smartAlbum: smartAlbumFilter

To filter assets by PHFetchOptions,

let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "mediaType = %d",
options.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "duration", ascending: true)]
pickerConfig.assetFetchOptions = [
    .smartAlbum: options,
    .album: options

Requirements & Dependency

Xcode9, Swift 4, iOS 9.0

Uses PureLayout for creating UI inside library. Thanks to PureLayout development team for doing such a beautiful job.


AssetsPickerViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AssetsPickerViewController', '~> 2.0'

Swift 3 is not supported anymore.
