RadioTimeKit – The Swift SDK for TuneIn
RadioTimeKit is a Swift package to use the TuneIn API. The goal for development was to have a Swift SDK to get convenient access to TuneIn’s browsing and tuning API.
works with Swift 5.3 and above for iOS and macOS (currently).
Swift Package Manager
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0"),
Put this in your Cartfile
github "phranck/RadioTimeKit" ~> 0.1
Developer Notes
uses GitFlow. There are two branches, main
and develop
. The develop
branch is the default branch. To provide (changes|fixes|additions) you just have to fork this repository and create your working branch with develop
as base. If you’re done, just open a pull request.
The API responses of TuneIn follows the OPML Specification.
This software is published under the MIT License.