The cure for boring UI code
Do you suffer from ugly layout code and boring UICollectionViewController boilerplate code? Yes, we've all been there. I'm not the only one that has written monstrous view setup functions that look like beasts from hell.
Now, there is a solution to this problem: LBTATools.
There are 3 main issues I want to tackle with this library:
- Use UIStackView to layout everything in a single line.
- Create quick vertical and horizontal lists, but skip the boring cell registration, numItemsForSection, cellForItemAt code.
- Generate a UILabel, UIButton, UIView, etc.. with one line of code.
This library contains extensions and classes that speed up development for my client work. Hopefully, you can take advantage of some of these techniques.
1. Stack vertically and horizontally
Layouts can usually be broken down into some combination of horizontal and vertical UIStackViews. The following examples illustrate usage of stack and hstack for common layout patterns.
Example 1: Simple Vertical Layout
Example 2: Horizontal then vertical with center alignment
Example 3: Embedded stacking with layoutMargins.
2. Fast and Easy ListController
Writing iOS apps will almost always involve lists, lots and lots of lists. Most of these will be vertical but horizontal ones are quite common too. Only works for single cell type lists.
Tinder Messages List Example
Using LBTAListController, you can build this common pattern with just a few lines. First, let's simplify the view into one vertical list and a header that contains a horizontal list:
Building this list is very easy now:
The header also contains a ListController component:
Run the example project in this repository to see the code in its entirety. LBTAListController uses the power of Generics to handle dynamics cell and header classes.
3. One line UI elements
One major issue with creating UI elements is the amount of properties we have to set during the setup phase. Here's a very common, and ugly, chunk of code that we want to avoid:
In total, this is 9 lines of code and gets out of control when creating multiple labels, buttons, etc. So instead, let's make this simple and elegant with one line:
All of the above parameters are optional, this means you can also use:
Creating UIButtons also fall into this category of code from hell, so let's make it easy with another one-liner:
Video Tutorials
Although this library is very easy to use, I recognize that a lot of you want some visual examples so below are some video tutorials:
Installation - Cocoapods
CocoaPods is an easy to use dependency manager . To install LBTATools, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
No, I don't see myself writing this for SPM or any other system.