Simple and flexible way to debounce closure calls
DebouncedClosure is small and flexible implementation of debounce in modern Swift. It allows to achieve debounce for any arbitrary closure calls using minimalistic and consice syntax.
- Simple and flexible API just wrap your closure into
debounced(_ block:, _ interval:)
and you will receive debounced implementation - Tests implementation contains tests
- Lightwheight the package is small and won’t introduce any overheds to SPM resolve process
- Flexible underlying implementation can be changed from the client if neither
basic configurations are applicable
Inject a debounced logger for observing TextField changes
The following code creates a debounced logger closure, which will fire events only after 1 second of idle in TextField
struct ExampleViewOne: View {
private var text = ""
let log: (String) -> Void
var body: some View {
TextField("Text", text: $text)
.onChange(of: text, perform: log)
struct Logger {
static func log(_ message: String) { print(message) }
ExampleViewOne(log: debounced(Logger.log, 1)) ✅
Inject a call to debounced function into, the client
The following code injects a call to debounced(_ block:, _ interval:)
straight to the client code which called multiple times.
It is incorrect as debounced(_ block:, _ interval:)
acts as a factory for the debounced closure and thus will simply create multiple debounced closures
struct ExampleViewThree: View {
private var text = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("Text", text: $text)
.onChange(of: text, perform: debounced(Logger.log, .seconds(1))) ❌
struct Logger {
static func log(_ message: String) { print(message) }
Illustration of examples from Sources/Examples
Different function signatures
- Using interval as
debounced(Logger.log, 1)
- Using interval as
debounced(Logger.log, .seconds(1))
- Specifying one of predifined schedulers
debounced(Logger.log, .timer(.seconds(1))) or debounced(Logger.log, .task(.seconds(1)))
- Specifying custom scheduler
debounced(Logger.log) { block in CustomScheduler.start(with: block) }
- iOS 14.0+
- macOS 11.0+
- watchOS 7.0+
- tvOS 14.0+
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.0"))