Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart.
Supports Storyboard and is fully accessible to VoiceOver users.
The most convinient way is to use Storyboard, where you can set the attributes right in the Interface Builder.
See the header files for complete documents.
Contribution Graph
The contribution graph mimics the GitHub one. You can implement the TEAContributionGraphDataSource
protocol to provide data and customize the style of the graph.
The required methods are:
There are currently three more DataSource methods to customize the coloring of the graph.
Each grade is represented by a different color.
There’s also a method to define the tap behavior on contribution graph cells:
Here is a simple sample of implementing the delegate methods after connecting delegate
in Interface Builder.
Clock Chart
Bar Chart
Just a bar chart, no interaction, no animation.
To add colors to the bar chart, add an array of colors
To add x-labels to the bar chart, set xLabels
property. Should be just one character per label since the bars are narrow.
Use CocoaPods:
Or drag TEAChart folder into your project.