Reminders Menu Bar
Simple macOS menu bar application to view and interact with reminders. Developed with SwiftUI and using Apple Reminders as a source.
- All interactions through the macOS menu bar
- Keep everything in sync with Apple Reminders
- Create new reminders in your chosen list
- Mark reminders as completed / uncompleted
- Remove reminders or Move reminders between lists
- Filter reminders through lists or through completed status
Reminders Menu Bar requires macOS Big Sur 11 or later.
Note: The app is not signed by an account enrolled in the Apple Developer Program; As a result you will probably see a message saying it cannot be opened since it is not from an Identified Developer.
To open the app follow the steps below:
- Try to run the app and when you see the message just click OK;
- Open System Preferences > Security and Privacy;
- Check the message saying that the app was blocked;
- Finally click on Open Anyway.
See Apple Support: Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer.
Reminders Menu Bar can be installed using Homebrew.
Direct Download
Direct downloads can be found on the releases page.
After downloading and extracting, just drag the .app file to the Applications folder.