
Simple ToDo app because everyone needs one for a portfolio


This is a Firebase based multiplatform capable ToDo app. I started working on this project because I wanted to learn Firebase (Auth & Firestore) more in depth than the one that I learned in UDemy course.

Key learnings

  • Firebase (Auth for email authentication & Firestore for DB)
  • Programmatically written UIKit
    • UITableView
    • AutoLayout
    • UserDefault
  • Design pattern to be implemented soon


  1. Clone the project in Xcode
  2. Log in to your Firebase account
  3. Enter random project name and enable/disable Google Analytics depending on your preference
  4. When the project is done with building, click iOS icon to add app on your project
  5. Type in your Bundle Identifier, which you can find in ToDo or NotToDo.xcodeproj file under “Identity” in General Tab
  6. Follow the steps afterwards
  7. Run the project with any iPhone simulator


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